¡Strobe aterriza en Madrid!

Los amantes del techno más purista y contundente que vivan por la capital están de enhorabuena. La potente productora de origen holandés, Strobe, aterrizará en Madrid en poco más de un mes para desplegar un eve...
Entrevista Bas Mooy

Bas Mooy interview [O.V.]

Today, we are proud to bring you one of the most important and influential artists in European techno scene, neither more nor less than Bas Mooy, leader and founder of MORD Records. He is a brilliant producer, ...
Justin Patti entrevista grow sound mag

JUSTIN PATTI interview [O.V.]

If you are living in the Netherlands, you should know Justin Patti. He is one of the of the most impor-tant characters of the Dutch techno scene, not only as a DJ, also because his gift for discovering new tale...